A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a long-term contract between two parties: an energy generator and an energy consumer. With the Ortus PPA this energy comes from the Solar array installed on your company’s roof allowing you to have cheap, green energy on-site.
A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a solution provided by Ortus Energy, which enables organisations to make the switch to low-cost, clean energy, without any capital expenditure and with the added benefit of having the system maintained.
Instead of purchasing 100% of your electricity from a traditional grid-connected supplier, you generate your own clean, green energy by way of a solar PV system on your own premises; thereby cutting energy costs and greatly reducing carbon emissions. The installation of a renewable technology will also future-proof against ever-changing government legislation and charges on carbon reduction in the commercial sector.
With no upfront costs to your business, you simply benefit from reduced electricity rates, allowing you to save money on your energy bills and protect against rising and volatile electricity prices.
You may use as much of the on-site generated energy as you can. This is significant benefit when this electricity is being purchased at a cheaper rate than from a traditional grid supplier.
We will design and install the equipment with zero upfront cost to you. We will also monitor and maintain the system for the complete term of the agreement.
Your organisation’s green credentials and environmental profile will be significantly enhanced following installation.